Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Money for the Police?

Police want more cash, mayor wants more efficiency

Gordon Kent from the Edmonton Journal writes:
Much of the police increase covers inflation, wage increases and the full annual salary of officers hired partway through this year, but there is also a proposal to add 29 officers along with 13 sheriffs and paramedics.

Public Safety is definitely a major focus for me. I think Mandel is right that the police need to be more efficient, but we need to make sure they have access to the resources they need.

During the last couple of years, seeing our murder rate climb has been disappointing to me, and I'm sure many Edmontonians. We want to feel safe in our city, and not just in our own subdivisions, but everywhere we go.

There's plenty more to be done in crime prevention as well, but our police are the front line, and we should support them.

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