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Today, a man named Felix Baumgartner jumped from a space capsule roughly 127,000 feet above the earth. It was called the Red Bull Stratos project and it set a new record for skydiving. Of course, when you get up that high, it's not really considered sky diving anymore. It's Space Jumping!
While impressive, this wasn't on the same level as other human achievements in space like landing on the moon. But it does show that we are seeing a renewed interest in space, mostly because the U.S. government is letting go of some control, and letting private enterprise in to the mix. This is a huge step, and in the end with NASA's limited resources, it will allow us to discover more about space, and let more people experience space, than ever before.
In fact, today's stunt was only a very small part of this new trend. We now have a private company, Spacex, making deliveries to the International Space Station. Soon they will even be transporting our astronauts back and forth. Don't forget about Virgin Galactic, which will soon be taking "space tourists" for rides just beyond the stratosphere.
I think it's logical to assume that within my lifetime, I will have the opportunity to go to space if I want to, and it will become reasonably affordable. That's very exciting, and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Check out the link below to see some highlights:
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